Laurel Glenn

Director of Institutional Giving
PDK International


Laurel Glenn is the Director of Institutional Giving at PDK International. Before joining the PDK team, Laurel worked extensively in the nonprofit Development sphere, where she supported causes like early childhood education, housing, food justice, and disability rights. She has a proven track record of securing 6- and 7-figure grants, crafting fundraising plans that grow sustainable revenue, and employing creative strategies to increase funder satisfaction and retention.

Laurel graduated Magna cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from the University of Kentucky and Summa cum Laude from Oregon State University with a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction. She credits much of her success to a series of supportive, influential teachers in her life, which is why she believes so strongly in the work of Educators Rising. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, volunteering at the local Humane Society, hiking with her dogs, and writing novels.