Give to the PDK Educational Foundation

Your tax-deductible donation of any size helps sustain PDK International’s programs that engage educators and strengthen schools so every student thrives. Make a secure online donation to your desired program below. Please check one of the boxes below and fill in the information to make your donation with your personal credit cardThank you for your support!

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Scholarships for Educators

Your gift to the PDK Education Foundation Scholarships for Educators campaign will support Educators Rising High School seniors as they pursue a career in education. Scholarships are awarded to applicants who demonstrate financial need, are first generation college attendees, and/or represent minorities in the teaching profession. 
Please check the box to donate to this fund.

Educators Rising Donations

Your gift to Educators Rising encourages young aspiring educators to pursue a career in education. Gifts to Educators Rising – our division that guides young people on a path to becoming accomplished teachers, beginning in high school – allow us to provide free learning resources and leadership opportunities for students interested in exploring the profession.  
Please check the box to donate to this fund.

PDK Unrestricted Donation

Your unrestricted donation provides us with the flexible funding we need to invest in areas that will make the greatest impact. By not designating your gift, you give the PDK Educational Foundation Board of Directors the flexibility to direct your generous contribution to the area of greatest need.

Please check the box to donate to this fund.

PDK Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools

For more than 50 years, the PDK Poll has been the most trusted source of public opinion about K-12 education. Your contribution to the PDK Poll helps sustain this important, independent, and unbiased public resource for years to come.

Please check the box to donate to this fund.

Kappan Magazine

Your gift to Phi Delta Kappan magazine supports the publishing of Kappan, a professional magazine for anyone who cares about K-12 education. The magazine has enriched educators with articles about K-12 educational research, practice, and policy on a wide range of themes for more than 100 years.
Please check the box to donate to this fund.

Emerging Leaders Donation

Your gift to the PDK Education Foundation Emerging Leaders campaign will support the PDK Emerging Leaders Fellows Program. The fellows are innovators, thought leaders, and problem solvers who are making a difference in the field of education. Through the program they will build their leadership skills to support the organization’s initiatives and contribute to projects which will make a significant impact in the field of education. 
Please check the box below and fill in the information to make your donation to this cause with your personal credit card.